Library Street
Gibraltar GX11 1AA
The following documents must be produced:
In Gibraltar this form of tax residence is popularly known as Category 2 Status.
Upon being granted Category 2 tax status, applicants will be issued with a tax ID number and they will pay a relatively low amount of tax on their worldwide income in Gibraltar. This can assist persons who have left, or are leaving, a higher tax jurisdiction in proving that they are tax resident in Gibraltar and are paying their taxes here.
To qualify for Category 2 Status applicants must establish two main things: (1) ownership of assets, which can include property and shares, worth in excess of £2 Million and (2) having approved residential accommodation in Gibraltar for their exclusive use.
Taxation ranges between a minimum of £37,000 and a maximum of £44,740 per annum.
Upon making the application, a start date for the Category 2 Status can be chosen. This can be as from the date of the application or later.
The applicant will also need to confirm whether they will be carrying on business from Gibraltar. This is permitted provided that it will not be in competition with other local businesses conducting similar activities. Approval to carry on business from Gibraltar is required from the Finance Centre Director.
Bank statements or letters from a bank manager or accountant are acceptable as proof of wealth. Non-monetary assets such as shares and property are acceptable upon production of suitable documentary evidence such as an accountant’s valuation or surveyor’s report.
Most applicants either produce a bank statement/portfolio valuation or a letter from their accountants which details their net wealth.
A residential property approved by the Finance Centre Director must be purchased or rented within two months of being granted Category 2 Status.
There is provision in the law to allow spouses and children (under 18 or in full time education) to be granted Category 2 Status under the same certificate as the principal applicant.
A spouse can also elect for their income to be considered a part of the applicant’s and this can be declared in the same tax return.
The amount of tax payable to the Gibraltar Government currently ranges between a minimum of £37,000 and a maximum of £44,740 per annum. The precise amount of tax will depend upon: (a) how much money is remitted to the applicant in Gibraltar and (b) the amount of taxable income earned by the applicant within Gibraltar in each financial year. Payment of the tax is due on 1st November in each year.
Upon being approved, applicants must pay a deposit of £44,740 as a guarantee for future payments of tax. Upon relinquishing Category 2 Status (and provided that no tax is outstanding), the Gibraltar Government will return this sum.
The tax year runs from 1st July to 30th June. A return needs to be filed annually with the local Income Tax Authorities.
A Gibraltar Civilian Registration Card (the “CRD”) can be issued to persons holding Category 2 Status and their families. This is useful as it provides evidence of residence in Gibraltar. Residency permits are also issued in tandem with the CRD.
Once the applicant has rented or purchased a suitable property in Gibraltar, they can apply for their CRD. A copy of the rental agreement or title deeds together with private medical insurance will be required.
The private medical insurance must cover the applicant (as well as any other members of their family moving to Gibraltar) for all risks in Gibraltar and the neighbouring Spanish hinterland.